HBE Engineering designs and manufactures valves in sizes ranging from ASME Class 150 to 2500 and rated for 1 inch to 30 inch inlet/outlet sizes. These valves are capable of handling main flow demands up to 40,000 gpm.

DLPM Series Automatic Recirculation Valve

Developed for centrifugal pump protection, this unit provides the following features and benefits:

Operational Dependability

The valve has only one moving part. No pilot valves or linkages are required for operation. The combination check valve/flow sensing element is guided at the top and bottom for smooth operation. The multi-functional valve provides economical and reliable protection against low flow and reverse flow conditions. The valve combines the functions of:

  • Main Line Check Valve
  • Flow Sensing Element
  • Bypass Flow Control
  • Bypass Pressure Reduction

The DLPM eliminates at least seven separate components used in a conventional system.


The valve operates without air or electric power and is easily installed with three connections.

DLPM Series Operational Overview

No main flow demand, minimum flow thru bypass

Modulating flow, main flow is less than minimum flow

Main flow greater than minumum flow, bypass closed


Typical installations include: transfer, feeding, circulating, boosting, and loading pumps. The valve was developed to serve pump protection requirements of the power, refining, chemical, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, and HVAC industries.


Typical uses include centrifugal pumps of ANSI/API configuration, vertical turbine, and canned motor design.


In general any clean liquid which passes through a strainer or filter before entering the valve. Typical services include but are not limited to boiler feed water, raw water, condensate, gasoline, diesel fuel, light hydrocarbons, and feed stocks.

HPM Series Automatic Recirculation Valve

Developed for high pressure centrifugal pump protection. Popular applications include boiler feed water, petroleum, and steel mill hot strip descale water.

The HPM provides economical and reliable protection for low and reverse flow. By combining the functions of main line check valve, flow sensing, bypass flow control, bypass pressure reduction, pulsation dampener, and bypass line check valve, the valve eliminates at least seven components necessary with a conventional system. The valve operates without air or electric power and is easily installed with three connections.

The valve is installed on the pump discharge, just as an ordinary check valve would be. Upon pump start-up, and without process demand, the bypass is completely open, recirculating the necessary minimum flow. Once process demand starts, the spring loaded disc is lifted and held in position by flow demand. Until main flow demand exceeds recommended minimum flow, the valve will modulated. As the main flow demand increases beyond recommended minimum flow, the bypass will close and all flow will go to the process.


  • Positive fail open bypass
  • Integral pulsation damper
  • Forged A105 steel body
  • Design does not utilize a pilot valve or tube
  • Start-up bypass inserts available due to start-up debris
  • Maxi-Flow protection available


  • Positive pump protection
  • Smooth operation
  • Superior pressure containing integrity
  • Less sensitive to debris and operation Cycle is not as harsh which can lead to system instability
  • Avoids possible damage to bypass trim
  • Unique feature to prevent pump runout
  • Long term proven design…Your operation is not a test lab

Anti-Flash Valve

Provided specifically to eliminate damage to the automatic recirculation valve and bypass piping due to flashing or cavitation.

The HBE Anti-Flash valve functions as a variable orifice to assure the pressure of the downstream liquid does not fall below the vapor pressure of the fluid.

Applications which require Anti-Flash valves include boiler feed or condensate pumps which bypass back to a low or negative pressure condenser. Another need for Anti-Flash valves occurs on boiler feed pumps returning to the deaerator in peaking units. Recirculation valves in peaking units can run in a modulating state for extended periods of time with the bypass partially open. Due to the lack of piping friction, the temperature rise across the pump/valve can result in a flashing/cavitation condition.

The Anti-Flash valve is sized to produce a minimum of 30 PSIA above the vapor pressure.

Installation of the Anti-Flash valve is between flanges of the bypass piping size and ANSI rating. Installed adjacent to the condenser or deaerator tank will assure protection of the entire bypass system.


Provides pressure reduction for applications which require more than a simple plate orifice.

The HBE MSO works by directing the fluid into a vortex flow and breaks down the pressure across several stages. The fluid passes through a multiple hole flow straightener upon exiting the orifice, which directs the fluid in a laminar direction downstream of the orifice. During pressure reduction the fluid is always above its vapor pressure, preventing destructive cavitation and flashing forces.

The MSO can be used for many high pressure reduction/small plow requirements. Specific examples include centrifugal pump minimum flow protection, warm up lines, strainer blow down, and control valve bypass.